Saturday, March 10, 2018

GST - Letter of Undertaking (LUT) Filing online

I hope, all are well aware from the fact that as per GST Law, Each Exporter of goods and Services (Not paying IGST at Export) are reuired to file Letter of Undertaking to the Goods and Service Tax Department (GST) as per the Law.

I Hope this article is very useful for all those who are exporting their service like Educational oe Bloggers earning from Google or Facebook or Youtube because these persons are earning frm out of india services.

Recently, the feature of Filing Letter of Undertaking online has been started by the Department. Before that, each one is requires to visit the department and file the LUT offiline.

Following Documents are required to be kept and Information with you while filing LUT online.

1. GST Login ID and Password
2. 2 Witness Details with their Occupation
3. valid Digital Signature Certificate

First of All, you need to login to and Select the User Services tab.
Second, Now Select Furnish Letter of Undertaking
Now Select the Financial Year and You Can Proceed as per the directions given in the Page. and Submit it with Digital Signature.

If You have previously filed the LUT Offiline then You need to upload the same.

If You have Any Query, You May Call/Email Us @ 9718046555 or visit